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Google Chart with PHP and MySQLi Database using Google API

Google Chart with PHP and MySQLi Database using Google API
LIVE DEMODOWNLOAD A chart is a graphical representation of data in which “the data is represented by symbols, such as bars in a bar chart, lines in a line chart, or slices in a pie chart.” Putting up a chart or graph in your report...

Forgot Password Recovery Script using PHP and MySQLi

Forgot Password Recovery using PHP and MySQLi
LIVE DEMODOWNLOAD Recently I have cover few topics on user authentication like PHP Login System, Register new user and Email verification when new user register on site. So here I am going to deal with “Forgot Password Utility” that most of websites have. There are...

Error Handling in PHP

Error Handling in PHP
  Error handling is a very important part of creating web applications. If your code is not efficient, then you may receive error messages. Also, it will put your application in a risky position. Let us examine some methods of dealing with errors in PHP. Default...

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